Welcome to dictyBase, your central resource for Dictyostelid genomics
latern专业破解版安卓最新版 The DSC reopened for orders. No submissions yet in June, please. Thank you for your patience!
Dicty Stock Center: Illinois issued an extension to the Lockdown. There is a general stay at home order until the end of May, which Northwestern University is also following. Therefore, the DSC has to remain closed through May. Thank you for your patience, stay safe!
Dicty2024 conference in Stirling, Scotland, has been
cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Dicty Stock Center is still closed at least until April 30. Stay safe!
Dicty2024 conference in Stirling, Scotland, has been
cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
landeng破解版安卓版2022 conference in Stirling, Scotland, is now open for registration. Visit the Dicty20 website!
Please note that the News feed here will not be updated anymore. To read newest announcements go to our new dictyBase front page, where dictyBase Tweets are automatically displayed, or go directly to landeng破解版安卓版5.0.1. Thanks!
Dicty in the News: Dictyostelium discoideum amoeba build a barrier around its colonies that counteracts attempts by bacteria to penetrate them. The cell adhesion protein CadA also functions as a bacterial agglutinin that forms a protective interface at the plaque edge that limits exposure of vegetative amoebae to bacteria. Reported in lanter 破解版, and recently published by Farinholt and colleagues in Science Advances.
The Dicty 2024 meeting website is now available and linked from our conference page.
A preliminary website for the
landeng破解版安卓版 is now available and linked from our conference page.
February 25, 2024
Dicty in the News: Researchers at the University of Tokyo used
Dictyostelium discoideum to investigate how cells organize into complex structures. Their research reveals a guidance mechanism directed by cell–cell contact which gives rise to collective migration and which competes with diffusive attractant molecules. Published by Fujimori et al. and reported in Science Daily and EurekAlert.
Dicty in the News: Rob Kay's group and colleagues recently discovered the atypical MAP kinase ErkB to be a major regulator of cell movement during chemotaxis (landeng破解版安卓). This research has been highlighted by the Medical Research Council on their latern专业破解版安卓最新版.
February 08, 2024
Dicty in the News: Results published by Hashimura et al. suggest that oscillatory cAMP signaling is not essential for collective cell migration in
Dictyostelium discoideum slugs, challenging the traditional view concerning the role of cAMP relay in the organization of collective cell migration. Reported in News Medical and Phys.org.
November 6, 2018
DSC shipping policy change: The DSC cannot offer taking credit card information over the phone for shipping charges anymore. This is dues to more stringent policies of the shipping companies. Please use the flowing options:
- Create a shipping account or encourage your institution to do so with FedEx, UPS, or DHL.
- Create a prepaid label via the shipper's website and send it to us by email. FedEx has ‘FedEx Ship Manager Light’ globally where you only need a credit card to generate a shipping label and no account.
November 5, 2018
DSC holiday deadlines: The following deadlines are for DSC orders to be filled before the holidays and end of the year.
- GWDI strains: Wednesday, November 21
- Regular strains: Friday, November 30
- Plasmids: Tuesday, December 11
July 31, 2018
Dicty in the News: Bacteria carried as food within
Dictyostelium discoideum are protected by a lectin coat. Reported in Lantern专业版apk, and recently published by Dinh and colleagues in Science with comments by co-author Adam Kuspa.
lan 灯 破解版
landeng破解版安卓版最新 A list of currently registered people is available here. Please check if all your information has been correctly processed and email the organizers if corrections are needed.
May 14, 2018
Thierry Soldati is amongst 62 life scientists elected to EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation) this year. New EMBO members. Congratulations Thierry!
April 24, 2018
Thomas Williams, who graduated and now is a post-doc in Rob Kay's lab, recently first authored a paper in JCS. In addition, JCS chose him to be
Lantern专业版apk, a series of interviews with selected first authors, helping early-career researchers promote themselves alongside their papers. Here you can read Tom's insightful interview.
February 13, 2018
After Northwestern moved our servers from one campus to the other recently our
Blast from the Front - and all Gene Pages, as well as the
Genome Browser (including snapshot on gene page) are down. We and Northwestern IT staff are working on the problem. Meanwhile for Blast use the Genome Server, the Blast server which is available from the other genome sites we house. Thanks for your patience!
February 07, 2018
Dicty in the News: New evidence using
Dictyostelium discoideum suggests a role for curcumin and related compounds in the treatment of cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Reported in Medical Xpress with comments from Professor Robin SB Williams.
January 29, 2018
We are happy to announce that
landeng破解版安卓 has joined the dictyBase team. Eric is working with us on user interface and software development.
Dicty in the News: New research shows that plague bacterium
Yersinia pestis can survive and replicate within
Dictyostelium discoideum, potentially explaining how the plague can remain dormant for years before unexpectedly re-emerging. Reported in LiveScience and EurekAlert. Recently published by Markman and colleagues in Emerging Infect. Dis.
latern破解版 专业版
Dicty Stock Center: The DSC will be closed from
Friday, December 22 until Monday January 1, 2018, coinciding with the closure of Northwestern University over the holidays. The DSC will be open for business again on January 2, 2018.
November 27, 2017
DSC orders: Because of the upcoming end of year holidays we would like to ask you to please adhere to the following
December 2017 deadlines for your orders:
Strains by
Monday, December 11
Plasmids by:
Monday, December 18
Thank you!
September 14, 2017
Gene page access: Gene page issue has been fixed and it works in
Lantern专业版apk. In case of loading issue, please clear up the browser cache and reload the page.
News Archive